August Bits in Progress

Image by Taylor Kimble
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August Bits In Progress

Happy August everyone!  Once a month I will post a little blurb about the pieces I’m currently working on (and their tentative completion dates). As any creative knows, you cannot always control the content of the work.  Inspiration can spring upon us at any moment!  Because of that, I’m not always producing thriller-based pieces as I would like.  Rather, I’m streaming my creative across several genres and forms while implementing various techniques.

…Coming Soon…

Short Story:

A children’s short story written in verse. This tale tells of a menacing monster ravaging an innocent village and how a courageous knight braves the beast. How is this story special? The knight is really a cat battling a beast called a Rehpog

(Estimated Completion Date: 09.04.20)

Short Story:

A dark short story set in a time when the world is devolving. The military roams the streets destroying families, causing terror, and recruiting young boys clearly not ready to hold a weapon in their hands.

(Estimated Completion Date: 09.30.20)


Another dark piece written in the sestina format. The sestina form of poetry is a complex, fixed verse originating at the end of the twelfth century. Stay tuned for a full history and finished piece!

(Estimated Completion Date: 09.30.20)

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